Head Office:Urbannet Nihonbashi 2-Chome Bldg 10F, 2-1-3 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027 Japan
Operations:TRC Center Bldg Room 523, 6-1-1 Heiwajima, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0006 Japan
Tel:050-5434-9820 (10:00AM〜5:00PM) (Weekdays, Japan Standard Time)
+81-50-5434-9820 (from outside Japan)
Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission PermitAntiques Dealer No.3010442220264Tokyo Trading Card Exchange, Ltd.
Cardova and its operating company, Tokyo Trading Card Exchange, Inc.,
have no capital ties or business partnerships with PSA.

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